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News: 2 November 2018

Republic Site Visit

Team Heyne enjoyed a site visit to Republic, East India Dock this week.

Republic will create 650,000 sqft of high-quality, low-cost workspace with a wide range of amenities and extensive public space. The masterplan will be realised in two phases. HTS completed phase I in early 2018.

The team visited phase I of the project, the award-winning Import Building, as well as the recently completed public realm where HTS were involved in creating platforms within an existing canal for outdoor seating and planting.

The site visit finished with phase II, The Export Building, which will also provide low cost workspace and will integrate an exposed CLT and Glulam frame into an existing RC structure. The new pavilion structure will be partially stabilised by a bay of glulam ‘K’ bracing and is designed to support a possible future three storey extension.

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